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Assessing the Role of Conflict and Diversity on Innovation

Organizational Assessments

Understand your team and organization on a deeper level with reliable tools that have been proven effective with decades of research.  Conducted by our highly qualified staff that will unlock potential and opportunity. 

  • We leverage the KAI to gauge the cognitive climate of your organization to ensure you have a diverse set of problem-solvers.

  • We leverage the TKI to measure the conflict handling tendencies of your team to identify the necessary behaviors of innovation.


Cognitive Diversity

Conflict Management

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Everyone solves problems. The Kirton Adaption-Innovation Inventory (KAI) is useful in identifying cognitive gaps in teams and groups that are working on complex solutions. 

Conflict is inevitable. The Thomas-Kilmann Instrument (TKI) aids individuals and teams in understanding their behaviors and approaches with conflict.  

Student Paper Writing

Data-driven decisions are an essential part of business success.  Our tools allow you to gain actionable insights that are designed to:

  • Develop culture

  • Improve collaboration

  • Achieve results

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